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Ash Amin

Contact Me

Who am I?

I'm Ash, an Australian student at the University of New South Wales pursuing a Bachelor of Science (Computer Science). I am an aspiring engineer and physicist, I want to be able to understand the laws of the universe and create useful things that will benefit us all. I post my projects and creative work on this site for demonstration purposes.

My Services

Are you a business or individual in need of a solution to a problem? Do you need a legacy codebase updated or rewritten, perhaps a niche internal app written or upgraded, or a software solution unique to whatever task you're trying to accomplish, need a website or web service going, or need advice on your tech stack? I'm here to help!

Contact me to get a quote!

My Projects

Over time, I have built a collection of software projects, out of interest in learning more about programming, as well as for my own interests. Displayed here are my prominent legacy projects. I have more legacy projects displayed in the backups section of my github account.


Source Code
Live Program

My first ever 3D project!

Click or tap the image to try it live in your browser and read more about it.


Source Code
Live Program

My first ever video game!

Click or tap the image to try it live in your browser and read more about it.


Source Code
Live Program

My first ever web app! Click or tap the image to try it live in your browser.

Click or tap the image to try it live in your browser and read more about it.


Source Code

My first regular GUI app written in C using OpenGL and Nuklear API for the GUI toolkit.

It is an enterprise management system, that tracks things like stock, inventory and orders for an anterprise.


Source Code

A bank app featuring a python server, web frontend and authentication features.

It uses REST API functions to communicate with the server backend and authenticate users and allow them to transfer money and withdraw.

It uses SQL as a database in order to keep track of everything.